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Humans of Greater Cincinnati Post: Chicago street during Black Lives Matter Protest
With this project being assigned during such a revolutionary time in the world I felt like the perfect way to show where I from was to present you all with this beautiful photo of my home town Chicago Illinois during our ongoing Black Lives Matters protest. One thing I really would like to point out in this photo is the unity and diversity of the protestors. One thing I absolutely love about Chicago is the diversity and our ability to come together and stand up for change in our city and the world. There were so many different ethnicities out to support and stand with us in solidarity. It was a very powerful time. The best protest is one united and peaceful. Also there are many other photos of after the riots communities coming together and setting up grab and go grocery spots. Many grocery stores in minority communities were destroyed so we banded together and made sure we could feed our community. Also so many cleaning projects set up all around the city to clean up the damage during the rioting. I was so awesome to see people bond together and help the small businesses effected rebuild whether it was donating money or physically coming out and helping with renovations. All in all I say all of this to capture the moment of unity in the community. Something that I value and it gets over looked too often in the mist of focusing on what people view as the negatives. I hope you enjoyed the wonderful photo and I cant wait to participate in the other fun activities!!!