Lighting up the Shadows: The Secret Lives of Fireflies, Lightning Bugs, & Glow-worms
Drawing From Nature with Amy Bogard.
Drawing From Nature with Amy Bogart. It was a wonderful evening with a hike to the wetlands for inspiration and images to sketch, then a workshop with Amy on exploring those expressions on paper with sketches and watercolors.
Observation, Identification, Fun: Introduction to iNaturalist
Dr. Maggie Whitson lead the Talk-&-Walk on observing nature and using iNaturalist to record interesting finds and tie in with social media. Even at dusk, there was plenty to find and document.
Name That Tune: An Introduction to Identifying Local Birds by Ear!
On June 15, 2022, Dr. Lindsey Walter gave a very nice presentation on how to bird by ear. Much of what we sensed when we encountered birds were their calls, so having a good ear for these sounds and with Dr. Walter's quick ability to identify species based on call alone, helped us assemble quite a list of birds found on our evening walk. Here is an ebird link to birds we found that evening: .