The registration fee for each student participant is $55.00. This fee must be paid by Friday, 6 December, 5 p.m. After this date, students who have not paid will be considered to have turned down their spot in the Symposium, and will be replaced with alternate musicians. Additionally, auditions are scheduled in reverse order of payment (i.e., the earlier we receive your payment, the later your audition time will be scheduled; the later we receive payment, the earlier your assigned audition time).
Payments may be made via credit or debit card , or by submitting a check made out to "NKU Bands" (please write "Tri-State Symposium" in the notes field). Checks (for one student, or school check for multiple students) may be sent to:
NKU Bands
100 Nunn Dr.
Fine Arts Center 312
Highland Heights, KY 41099
Participants may be dropped off in the roundabout outside of Greaves Hall. If using a GPS navigator, your best bet is to input either “Steely Library” or “Greaves Concert Hall” as your destination. We will have Symposium staff on hand to direct students to registration, warmup, and audition rooms.
Participants who are driving themselves can use the NKU Welcome Center Garage on Friday. Gates at the garage will open automatically after 4pm, so you will not have to pay a parking fee, unless you leave campus before 4pm. On Saturday and Sunday you may park in Lot D or Lot I.
Directors who are bringing a bus may park in Lot T.
Students should wear proper concert attire for the Symposium Finale concert. The NKU Bands Program recognizes the importance of a student’s right to individual gender expression, as well as the necessity for a unified and coherent look for ensemble performances. For the Symposium Finale concert on Sunday, students may choose from the options listed below. All performance clothing and footwear should be dress/formal rather than casual material or style. If you are unsure whether something is appropriate, please check with your own Director before the Symposium.
Not Recommended: Jeans/denim, chinos, slacks, sweatshirts, sweaters, sweatpants, polos, t-shirts, tailcoats, leggings (except when worn under a skirt or dress), hats, gloves, sneakers/athletic footwear. Please, no perfumes, colognes, or other scented lotions in rehearsal or performance, as these can trigger asthmatic and/or allergic reactions for other student musicians.
You do not have to wear your school's band uniform, unless that is your program's policy.