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Becoming a Placement Site/Pro Bono Partner for Student Pro Bono Work

Organizations, programs or individuals interested in becoming a "Pro Bono Partner" for the Chase Pro Bono Service Program are encouraged to contact the Chase Office of Admissions to discuss the proposed pro bono opportunity and to learn more about the program. The Pro Bono Partner may complete the online.

Role and Responsibilities for Placement Site Supervisors

On the Placement Opportunity form, placement sites are asked to indicate the Chase Office of Admissions for students' pro bono work. The role and responsibilities of the supervisor include the following:

  • Initial Meeting with Student. The supervisor should meet with the student to discuss the assignment, expectations for the student, hours required and work schedule. If the supervisor and student determine at this initial meeting that the placement is mutually agreeable, the student should submit the placement for approval in .
  • Training and Supervision. The supervisor is responsible for any training and continued oversight of the student during his/her work on the pro bono assignment.
  • Evaluation. The supervisor should meet with the student at the end of the assignment to discuss the student's work on the project. The student will share the Supervisor Evaluation Form found in with the supervisor.  Supervisor should complete the evaluation form online.  
  • Problems or Concerns. The supervisor should contact the Chase Office of Admissions at (859) 572-5490 with any issues or concerns relating to the student's performance or the pro bono program generally.

The Chase Pro Bono Service Program is successful because of the participation of our Pro Bono Partners. Thank you for participating in the program and for inspiring our students to engage in law-related public service.